Repair Your Smile Quickly with Urgent Dental Care
Throughout any type of oral emergency, our initial objective is to get you out of pain. When you visit Charlotte Dentistry, we make comfort a concern at all times, which shows we are prepared to stop your suffering swiftly.
With oral sedation, you can prevent discomfort and relax your mind. Laughing gas is verified to be an effective and dependable option for both adults and kids. We have pillows and warm blankets to help keep you comfy throughout your care.
After your pain is under control, we can focus on discovering the perfect fix for your smile. We offer a variety of restorative dentistry solutions that can get your mouth back in shape:
- Tooth Fillings – Cavities are common, and they can be fairly painful. By picking our office, you can obtain tooth-colored fillings so your teeth look and function naturally once again.
- Dental Crowns – If you have broken or split a tooth, a crown can restore your tooth. Given that we have a dental lab on-site, we can make your crown right here in our practice for your convenience.
- Root Canal Therapy – With a tooth infection, a filling isn’t going to be enough. Instead, you need a root canal to remove the cause for your tooth discomfort, so we can rebuild your bite and your smile.
- Tooth Removal – Occasionally the damage to your teeth is too much to restore it. When it’s required, we can handle tooth extraction.
- Dental Implants – If you do require teeth extracted, you must get the best teeth replacements possible. Implants restore the roots of your lost tooth, so your restorations can be solid, secure, and steady.
We can assist you to keep your healthy smile with our many precautionary services and general dentistry after we have handled your trouble. If you require an emergency dentist near 28203, keep this number, 000-000-000, so you can contact Charlotte Dentistry as fast as you can.